Writing Prompt for Presence


The other day I sat under a very old oak tree, set a timer for five minutes then didn’t do a thing except…

  1. Breathe

  2. Soak in the sounds, sights, & scents of the scene.

When the chime rang, I opened my journal and wrote down what I observed using all my senses.

This is such a powerful prompt for presence. So often I’m “trying” to be present—which just has me stuck in a loop of wanting it, but not actually experiencing all the wonder that lives in the moment. I am learning that it can be as simple as tuning into each sense—then capturing it with your pen.

A fascinating thing happens when you write down the snippets of the scene you are observing—it often comes out like poetry! (And you didn’t even have to try to write a poem).

You can play with this presence practice anywhere—your backyard, the subway, a coffee shop…Happy Writing!

Allison Fragakis